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Aim of Samacheer Kalvi

Implemented by Tamil Nadu uniform system of school Education Act, 2010, the main idea behind samacheer Kalvi was to diminish all inequality in the field of education amongst students coming from the different economic, social and cultural background.



We are using samacheer Kalvi. Samacheer Kalvi is a unified education system also known as the Tamil Nadu uniform system of school Education or Equitable education system by the school Education Department of Government of Tamil Nadu. The system operates to unify the various school education system within the state.

Session Ending Examination

We are conducting Examinations for three terms.

Annual Examination for classes I to IX and Board Examination for Class X of 80 marks weight age covering entire syllabus for three-hour duration.

Final result will comprise the marks scored in Annual Examination and Internal Assessment.

Students have to secure 33% in total in each of these components.

Students will be awarded absolute grade under 8-point scale of the marks range.

Grading scale for scholastic areas
Marks Range Grade
91-100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D
32 and below E (Needs Improvement- Class IV to VII)
E (Failed –Class IX)
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